Helene's Reiki Healing

Reiki Levels 1,2 and 3(a) are each taught over a period of 2 days. The length of time an individual takes between each Reiki level is a personal choice. The number of levels you do is also a personal choice. Some people are perfectly happy to stay at Level 1, whereas others may wish to go all the way to Master/Teacher Level. This is entirely your choice - there is no pressure - and all the seminars are conducted in a friendly and relaxed environment.
To enquire please call or message Helene on 0408012855.

Reiki One
The First Step

Reiki Two
Advanced Reiki
Reiki Two level provides the means for more profound personal growth and gives you so many more tools for healing and protection.
You will receive a further attunement which will empower you to work with Reiki in a greatly expanded capacity by initiation to the Four Reiki Symbols. These sacred tools help us to access Energy in specific forms, to assist in clearing and healing on all levels of our being in a rapid and harmonious way. The symbols are a wonderful tool for creating protection, to give you stronger energy and therefore stronger healings. You will be able to put the symbols on any medication to clear away any negative side affects and enhance the positive healing side as well. The symbols can also be placed in your car for protection.
You will also learn how to Reiki your house to help clear out any negative energies. This will also be very handy for you to use when you go on holidays to clear away any negative vibes.
You will also learn how to send Reiki to yourself and others through time and space.
I also teach two additional treatments; the Chelation treatment and the Mental/Emotional treatment.
Not all schools teach the Chelation treatment but it is a wonderful treatment for clearing blockages, balancing the energy system and clearing out negative energies.
The Mental/Emotional treatment is a great treatment for treating people with stress, anxiety or suffering from any type of emotional trauma, as well as people who have sleeping problems.
You will also be taught how to do a Chakra Balance as well.
Reiki two offers a powerful means for deeper spiritual unfoldment, as well as providing the tools for using Reiki at practitioner level.
I highly recommend my clients to at least learn Reiki to this level,
as it gives you so many more tools to use, for healing, protection and connection.
Cost for Reiki Two Course - $300.00
This course runs over two days from 9am to 4pm.
Book now for Reiki One Workshop
This seminar provides an introduction to the Energy of Reiki.
You will learn the history of Reiki, and you will receive Four Attunements which will empower you to access and work with the
energy. The attunement process raises your vibrational frequency to a higher level through your chakra system.
This level of Reiki will give you the goals to take control of your own health and well-being, by enabling you to treat yourself and others. You will be given comprehensive instruction and practice in the technique, as well as clear and easy guidelines to help you work with Reiki in your daily life.
Detailed information and teaching is provided on Life-force energy, the Electro-Magnetic Scale, Chakras, the meaning of Numbers, Yin and Yang, the state of Disease and its causes; how to build your Self Esteem and how to react to others in a positive way.
You will also be taught a 13 step aura cleanse, how to give yourself a treatment as well as doing a treatment on others.
This seminar will provide you with new tools to create a new positive pathway for your journey.
Comprehensive notes will be given to you on the day, as well as a certificate provided on the completion of each Course. This course runs for two days from 9am to 4pm.
Cost for Reiki One Course - $300.00
BOOK NOW to learn Reiki One level - Mob no - 0408012855

Reiki Three (a)
The Inner Journey
Reiki 3(a) Level
This Seminar is a further step for those who have completed Level 2, as part of our ongoing commitment to provide students with a well-grounded framework for more profound spiritual unfoldment.
Reiki 3 (a) is about inner growth towards Self Realization through innate understanding of Universal Oneness. It is about moving beyond limiting concepts and belief systems to take the pure essence of Reiki Energy into the 21st century.
We discuss the evolutionary path of Man - The Human Ladder and the cosmic connection to Reiki.
You will also learn another symbol to help connect your lower self to your higher self and your guides. This symbol forms a 'rainbow' bridge between dimensions and between realities.
I also teach a wonderful and simple Qi-Gong exercise to create center, balance and harmony, as well as how to do a Reiki (healing) triangle to create a better situation or heal a problem.
Reiki 3 (a) is for those who feel a need to explore the spiritual aspects of Reiki more deeply and understand how our consciousness awareness can change our lives.
For those who wish to attain Master/Teacher Level 3, the Reiki 3 (a) seminar will provide a more in-depth understanding of Energy, Consciousness and Self.
Cost for Reiki Three (a) Course - $300.00
This course runs over two days from 9am to 4pm
Master Level​
After completing the three levels of Reiki, you now qualify to learn Reiki Master level.
Having shown dedication and commitment to the path of spiritual progression within the Reiki system you are now ready to learn Master level and will have the requirements to teach all levels.
You will be taught the Master Symbol and how to do all the attunements for all levels of Reiki and be provided with detailed information to pass on to your future students and much more. Ongoing support is also provided.
Some people do master level to help heal and master self, while others go on teach Reiki.
The cost for Reiki Master level is $1,500.00
Helene, thank you so much for teaching me Reiki Level One today. It has been one of the best days of my spiritual journey. You are a kind, respectful, knowledgeable and loveable Teacher. Much gratitude!
Several years ago, after researching Reiki for around 12 months and reading copious amounts of books and literature, I started on my journey to try and find a Reiki Master who was a perfect ‘fit’ for me. I eventually completed Reiki I, and 12 months later, Reiki II with a different Master, but still not feeling the contentment that I felt I should have had after completing both levels.
Two years after starting my Reiki journey, I was getting the urge to now complete Level III and stumbled upon Helene’s website and consequently was re-attuned to level II, and going on to complete Level III with her recently.
Helene’s Reiki teaching style is different to what I had previously experienced. Her non-judgemental and caring attitude to her students comes across in her classes. Her authenticity, extraordinary knowledge and passion for Reiki is immediately evident.
I found the information covered by Helene was much more detailed, and in much more depth than what I had learned previously. My course notes are now a valued resource to me and are referred to often.
I wish that I had been guided to her long ago, but I guess it’s all part of the journey.
Gail M
After completing my second degree in Reiki, I feel very self empowered and spiritually cleansed. Reiki really works and helps with so many issues ranging from chronic pain to depression. It also helps you get in touch with your higher self. I want to say a big thanks to Helene for being an amazing teacher and healer. I am looking forward to doing the master course with you. Enoch.
Meeting Helene and having Reiki treatments and also learning Reiki Level One has been a life changing experience for me. Apart from her expertise in Reiki, Helene is one of the nicest, loving and most compassionate people I have ever been fortunate enough to meet. Helene puts you at ease straight away. I was able to trust her with things that I had barely told anyone. Helene has inspired me to go on a beautiful new life journey. Chris.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to the most wonderful teacher anyone could wish for, Helene Kaye Wallace. You helped me get through Reiki level 2 feeling exhausted and very well educated with your knowledge, patience and sheer dedication to your work . I thank you for going that extra mile and am so looking forward to learning level 3 whooo, Luv Julie 💙💚
Learning Reiki One, Two and Three has been an amazing experience. It is a gift that can change lives forever. I am very fortunate to have Helene as my Teacher. Helene brings all her knowledge and experience to her students in a practical and effective way, teaching this wonderful energy with Love. Cameron.
Helene has a lot of practical and spiritual knowledge. She is very patient when instructing, and also has a great sense of fun. Thanks again Helene for such a fantastic course and being such an inspirational teacher. Deb.
I have completed Reiki 1 with Helene and cannot wait for 2 & 3. Helene is a wise and fascinating lady who you could just listen to for days as she has so much wisdom and she wants to share it with you. Helene's course is well paced and will open your mind, heart and spirit to the gift of Love called Reiki. Nic. XO